High School Policies
Dress Code
Student Handbook
Student Code of Conduct
Tardy Policy
The tardy policy is for each individual class period, and the administration of the policy is per Six-Weeks grading period.
1st Tardy: No consequence - warning by the teacher
2nd Tardy: Detention Hall (assigned by teacher)
3rd Tardy: In-school Suspension (All Day)
4th Tardy: Saturday School (Four Hours)
5th Tardy: In-school Suspension (Two Day)
6th Tardy: Possible placement to DAEP
DAEP is the District’s Alternative Education Program.
Shaving Policy
Due to the high number of male students that are sent into the office to shave and the cost of the razors and shaving cream, we are going to begin charging the students $0.50 (50 cents) per shave. We will call parents when the student has accumulated two dollars. After the parent is contacted, the next offense will result in an ISS placement.
We will not begin this until October 15. We are going to give the students time to adjust. Thank you for your assistance and support!
Vehicle Parking Policy
No oversize vehicles are allowed on campus unless prior approval is arranged.
This includes semi-trucks, tractors, trailers, and other vehicles so deemed by administration.