Public Participation
The Devine ISD Board of Trustees is committed to openness and candor in the conduct of its business and encourages patron participation.
Devine ISD Trustees meet in regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month. They may also meet in special or called meetings for workshops, or to handle routine business. Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Office at 605 W Hondo Ave unless otherwise posted. Meetings are open to the public. Citizens who wish to address the Board may do so by signing up to speak, five (5) minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting. All meetings are posted as required by law. Agendas are also emailed to The Devine News and posted on the DISD web site the Friday prior to Board meetings.
Board Policy Bed (Local) sets out the requirements for Public Participation during board meetings. Provision is made for citizens to speak to open meeting agenda items during the "Public Address" portion of any board meeting. In addition, time is allotted at each regular board meeting for citizens who wish to speak about items not on the agenda during the “Public Comment” portion of the meeting. The Texas Open Meetings Law prohibits the Board from taking action on any item not on the official agenda. Citizens wishing to speak to the Board must register by completing a sign-in sheet no later than five (5) minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Three (3) minutes per person are allowed for presentations. The time limit is necessary to provide citizens an opportunity to give input while allowing adequate time for Board business.
There will be separate sign-in sheets for both types of public participation at regular meetings, and both must be filled out by no later than five (5) minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting. If a person does not do so, they will not be permitted to participate. Both types of sign-in sheets will be placed at the front counter of the Administration Office.
At Special or Called Board Meetings, there will only be a sign-up sheet for addressing the board about open meeting agenda items, and this must be filled out by no later than five (5) minutes before the start of a meeting if a person wishes to address the board on an open meeting agenda item.
Within the limits of the Texas Open Meetings Law, parts of the Board meeting may be closed to the public (Closed Session) so the Board may consider real estate transactions, personnel matters, student hearings and other legal matters. All actions on items considered during Closed Sessions must be acted upon when they reconvene in open meeting. A majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.